Gabby Cohen holds campaign for her Bat Mitzvah chesed project

Making a Bat Mitvah Meaningful – Honoring Soldiers and Attack Victims

In an act of true Chesed, aside from her participation in the Five Town 5K Run, Gabby has chosen to commemorate the Fogel family. Fogel family members were murdered in their home in Itamar, Israel just a few weeks before Gabby was born. Gabby is named after their 3-month-old daughter Hadas.

Gabby says, ” Beit Halochem appealed to me because of their support to disabled Chayalim (soldiers) and their families. They do whatever they can to support these Chayalim to accomplish their dreams, and overcome any physical, emotional and mental obstacles that might be in their way.”

Gabby has raised $3,600 for the Israeli Defense Forces who, as she says, “give the best years of their life fighting to protect the State of Israel and its citizens.

It is not what one says, but rather what one does, that makes all the difference in the world.”— Pirke Avot 1:17


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