CHESED PROJECTS: Show Your Love for Israel and Her Defenders on Your Big Day
As you approach your bat mitzvah, bar mitzvah, wedding, baby-naming or other life cycle occasion, it would be the perfect time to take on a Chesed Project, one that truly interests you or your child. The choice to help can be as life changing for the young person as it could be for the organization he or she chooses to help.
“It is not what one says, but rather what one does, that makes all the difference in the world.” – Pirke Avot 1:17
Please consider Beit Halochem USA/FIDV for your Chesed Project. We are committed to caring for the 51,000 Israeli servicemen and women disabled in the line of duty, civilian victims of terror attacks, and their families at our Beit Halochem rehabilitation centers in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa and Beer Sheva. Rebuilding lives: it’s what we do!
Our Beit Halochem centers in Israel provide therapeutic treatments, rehabilitative and recreational facilities to help these young people re-enter life after suffering such traumatic injuries.
For your special event, make a difference with the gift of a Chesed Project. Bring your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors on board to help, too.
- Bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah
- Graduation
- Wedding
- Anniversaries
- Other life-cycle occasions
“Beit Halochem recognizes PTSD as a severe, chronic and debilitating condition. Thanks to Beit Halochem, I was able to restart my life.” – Capt. Ofir Anidjar
On the second yartzeit of Daniella Moffson z”l, her family organized a Chesed Fair, which raised funds for several organizations, including Beit Halochem USA/FIDV, and offered opportunities for a range of other acts of lovingkindness. As they honored her memory, they helped wounded soldiers and terror survivors in Israel!
If you believe in yourself, you can make the impossible possible.” – Itay Erenlib
Please contact Ella Levine at 212-689-3220 or use the form below to contact us for more information on how you can help.
Written to a Disabled Veteran at Beit Halochem

Beit Halochem USA/FIDV is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.