Scholarship Recipient

2018 Scholarship Ceremonies: Supporting Beit Halochem Excelling Athletes

In a moving ceremony at Beit Halochem Tel Aviv on May 24, 2018, 79 scholarships were distributed to excelling athletes and coaches (14) for their athletic achievements in the year 2017, totaling $140,000 USD (NIS 500,000).

Beit Halochem offers a wide variety of sports training opportunities for the men and women we serve.  For those disabled athletes seeking advanced sports and competitive sports training, Beit Halochem awards scholarship support annually.

Scholarships were awarded in the following categories:

  • Paralympic Team members
  • Athletes in non-Paralympics sports branches for achievements in World/European Championships
  • Young Athletes showing potential
  • Scholarships Distributed by each respective Beit Halochem Center
  • Beit Halochem Scholarships for Athletes from the Periphery
  • Scholarships to Coaches for Special Achievements

Several of the scholarship donors were present to present the awards in person. These disabled athletes, the men and women who earned these awards, are an inspiration to us all. Scholarship support is an ideal way to offer a direct lifeline to someone who has sacrificed so much for Israel.

Research shows that being involved in sport activities, particularly in competitive sport, has a significant effect (mentally, physically and socially) on the rehabilitation process. If you would like to donate a scholarship for Excelling Athletes, or for Academic Achievement, please contact Ella Levine at the FIDV Office: / 212-689-3220.


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