Gifts in Honor of Elan Lederer’s Bar Mitzvah
Hi. This is Elan Lederer. I look forward to celebrating my bar mitzvah this summer in Israel. Among the choices I looked at for my bar mitzvah chesed project, the programs Beit Halochem provide in helping disabled Israeli veterans, was most special to me. I have Israeli cousins who serve in the army and have listened to Israeli soldiers who came to share about their experiences at my school, as well. I realize they all have to be very brave and are sacrificing a whole lot to protect Israel.
I chose to focus on basketball to help these veterans, as it is my passion. Every day, I wait at the bus stop to HAFTR, dribbling my basketball. Throughout the school day, I look forward to the recess bell, so I can run to play ball with my friends. It makes my whole day better. I also enjoy playing in the 5 Towns league, even though we can’t seem to win a game. (But, that’s a story for another time.)
Beit Halochem is an organization that offers many important services to these brave men and women and helps them with physical rehabilitation, emotional assistance, and a healthy social outlet. Wheelchair basketball may be the favorite activity offered at Bet Holochem as it combines rehabilitation, along with the thrill of competition and camaraderie. I bet they look forward to playing, as I do for recess.
So, that’s why I am participating in the 5 Towns Beit Halochem fundraising race on Sunday, June 9th. I am seeking to raise $3,600, to help finance a specialized athletic wheelchair that can be enjoyed by the veteran athletes during their practice and competitive games. I will also be going to Israel with my parents to visit the facility, and play a pickup game with these special men and women. I can’t wait to see them enjoy playing, as much as I do!
I couldn’t imagine what losing a leg, or being paralyzed, must be like. The soldiers and veterans were there for Israel, now it’s our turn to be there for them. Please consider sponsoring me in the race and contributing to my bar mitzvah chesed project! Together we can help support our veteran, disabled brothers and sisters in Israel. Thank you so much. I am very grateful for your support!
Thank you for supporting Beit Halochem USA-Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans. (An acknowledgment card for honor/memory giving will be sent with a $36 minimum donation.)