Who We Are


Mission Statement

The overall mission of Beit Halochem USA-Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans is to care for Israeli servicemen and women wounded in the line of duty who are now disabled.  At our state-of-the-art Beit Halochem (House of the Warriors) rehabilitation centers in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem and Beer Sheva we serve more than 60,000 disabled veterans and family members.

We raise awareness and operating funds for a broad range of social, cultural and sports training programs; offer scholarships; develop new initiatives; and provide specialized adapted equipment for the Beit Halochem centers.

Beit Halochem USA/FIDV, a not-for-profit, tax exempt [501(c)(3)], organization is the only authorized institution whose purpose is to facilitate the rehabilitation of disabled Israeli veterans at the state-of-the-art Beit Halochem centers in Israel, which for many of these men and women become a kind of warm, second home.

We help empower these heroic women and men to rebuild lives of purpose and dignity by providing  therapeutic treatments, sports and recreational facilities, cultural and educational programs, scholarship support, and family-oriented activities.

Beit Halochem USA/FIDV works in cooperation with the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization (ZDVO), which was established in 1949 in the wake of the War of Independence. ZDVO’s purpose then was to provide the 6,000 disabled veterans from that war with everything they needed to succeed in the lengthy process of rehabilitation at the Beit Halochem centers.

Since that time, thousands of new members, wounded during their active or reserve service, have joined the ranks of Beit Halochem in Israel; membership today totaling over 60,000.

The Jewish world owes an immeasurable debt of gratitude to the men and women who have protected and defended Israel with courage and determination. We also owe much to the fearless Israelis who by living in the country secure this tiny land for all the Jewish people.

Beit Halochem USA/FIDV celebrates the men and women who protect and serve Israel by committing to helping ensure the many specialized therapies, programs and unique opportunities offered by Beit Halochem to the people served by our centers are fully funded. At Beit Halochem we do it all!


At Beit Halochem USA/FIDV we take very seriously our commitment both to our donors and the people we help. In the interest in transparency, we have posted some information and documents about Beit Halochem USA/FIDV’s governance and financial practices at www.fidv.org for our donors to review. We hope that you will find this helpful in better understanding the work we do, and how this organization strives to be a good steward of the gifts and grants we receive.





























Beit Halochem USA/FIDV
1133 Broadway, Suite 828
New York, NY 10010
Tel: 212.689.3220

EIN: 13-3392711

Florida Chapters

Valencia Isles/Boynton Beach
Haviva Benness, Chair
Tel: 561.414.4194
Email: havivabenness@yahoo.com


Boca Raton
Lisa Benness Levi and Barry Levi, Chairs
Tel: 561.445.5522
Email: lisabenness@aol.com

California Chapter

Los Angeles

Beit Halochem USA

Israeli Wounded Veterans
Pinhas Rahav, Chair
Tel: 310.569.3948

Board of Directors

Sam Zussman


Michael A. Leichtling


Seth Molod


Daniel Naftalin
Isaac Seinuk, DDS
Kyle Waxman

Office Staff

Adi Akunis


Ella Levine

National Executive Director

Tzvia Wexler

National Development Director

Stephanie Howell

Director of Operations

Elise Fischer

Development & Grants Writer

Shari Goldberg

Development & Database Manager


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