Dear Michael, Jake and Jake and all the YL Board members,
On behalf of the FIDV Board of Directors, I thank you for helping to make the 2nd Annual FIDV Young Leadership Gala such a resounding success. We’re all very proud of what you have accomplished.
Your determination resulted in a spectacular evening for FIDV, bringing together over 500 guests to hear Izzy Ezagui speak so emotionally about his personal experience in the IDF and with Beit Halochem. The monies raised will support the rehabilitation of Israel’s disabled veterans and victims of terror attacks.
Thanks to your leadership, the evening went so well and you’ve made a tremendous difference for the organization. We look forward to building on the Gala, to spreading the word and to changing our heroes’ lives for the better. We couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you!
Best regards,
Michael Leichtling
Chairman, FIDV
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