April 19, 2020 at 10:00 am Valencia Bay Social Hall Boynton Beach, FL

Family Names: Clues to your ancestors’ birthplace, personality, and career

For many of us, our family names are clues to our ancestors’ career, personality, characteristics, town of origin, or religious practices. This is particularly true for those with Jewish ancestry but is equally valid for those with other European origins.

Learn why, how and when we received our last names and what they can reveal. Was your name changed at Ellis Island or is that a myth?

Richard Goldman oversees programs at the Valencia Lakes Jewish Heritage Club. He is also President of the Valencia Lakes Genealogy Club and for many years was President of the Jewish Genealogy Society of Maryland. Dick and his wife moved full time to Florida in 2018.

Dick taught adults at the Boynton Beach JCC and has given talks in South Florida. He is the retired Manager of the Pearlstone Conference & Retreat Center in Baltimore.

COST: Members – $25 / Guests – $30

Breakfast will be served.

For more information, please contact Ella Levine, elevine@fidv.org or call 212-689-3220

2020/04/19 10:00:00


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